A Thank You for 2018

A lot has happened in the past year.

I lost my Mother in February and with that came sorting, cleaning and of course grieving.

It meant Pilates went on the back burner with my space at Wild Ginger going as they moved on to pastures new at a fabulous new venue of their own. If you haven’t been do go. They have lots of new therapies to try. Through it all I was able to keep my Monday morning class going and those private classes for the various companies and schools I visit. To all of you I thank you. You all kept me going.

In October I began my comprehensive training on the equipment with the wonderful Authentic Pilates held at Exhale Pilates London. I am now the proud owner of a Wunda Chair  a Reformer and a Ped o Pull. For the next few months I will not only be working out but trying desperately to find a home to house them!

My dream is for next year to have a studio up and running in which you can come and train on your own. More of that later.

For now I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2019.